R&D+i / Publications

At iPresas, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of research, development and innovation (R&D+i). We are passionate about exploring new horizons and challenging conventional boundaries. Our commitment to excellence drives us to seek revolutionary solutions in the field of risk analysis and management in dams and other infrastructures.

At iPresas, we develop R&D and innovation projects aimed at improving and adapting the methods, tools and products that we offer to our clients, as part of a continuous improvement process.

We have experience in developing risk management software for infrastructure groups and we develop ad hoc products for our clients. In addition, we actively collaborate with the Universitat Politècnica de València in several research projects, being at the forefront of infrastructure risk analysis.


Our R&D+i lines include activities related to the development of new tools and methodologies for:


Promover el análisis de riesgos aplicado a la seguridad de presas y otras infraestructuras, mejorando su seguridad frente a amenazas de origen natural y antrópico.


Promote the integration of disaster risk management into key sectors (water, energy, transport, etc.).


Address the specific challenges posed by Climate Change. These advanced solutions will ensure proactive and adaptive management, increasing the safety and sustainability of infrastructures in the face of changing climatic conditions.


Integrate artificial intelligence into risk analysis, improving forecasting accuracy through the development of specific methodologies supported by advanced processing and machine learning capabilities.


Adapting risk analysis in mining dams, which involves creating specific methodologies, promoting innovation and developing approaches adapted to the particular complexities of this sector.

In the following section you can consult the most relevant publications of our recent work in the field of R&D+i.

Do you have a research proposal or would you like to collaborate with us?

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